
Portsmouth city council have thrown open the doors of their historic naval city to host a packed weekend to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Falklands conflict.

After being awarded a very generous grant from the RNRMC we are able to offer this weekend on an almost completely free basis to our members for their food and other entertainment.

This entire weekend is not just open to Falklands veterans but all from the Corps Family. You must however be a member of the RMA to obtain tickets as they have been heavily subsidised (to the point of them being free!) and it is free to join the RMA through the website.

This will be an amazing weekend of memories, comradeship and esprit de corps. Lets see you there in force and make up for the last two years of not being able to gather together.

You will still need to click on the relevant links for member tickets, there is one form for all tickets, you can add all of the tickets that you wish and check out once. 

Please see below for the itinerary and links for tickets. This is strictly first come first served and if you wish to attend it is highly advisable to seek accommodation early as this weekend will make the city’s hotels and B&B’s very busy indeed.

Register for Member Tickets

Full – Itinerary

Friday 17th June 2022

Various interest groups from the RNA will have activities going on that day and our RMA respective branch reps will be put in touch with them if they wish to partake. Other RNA interest groups that have activities going on and their contacts are as follows.

Classic Cars – Mike Burnham – [email protected]

Diving (scuba)  – Bill Lawless – [email protected]

Caravanning –  Ron Shilton – [email protected]

  • 1300 – RMA vs RNA cricket match (location TBC) come and watch the RMA cricket branch play its first game against and RNA side. The bar will be open and good weather has been booked.
  • 1900 – Beat retreat in the Guildhall square.

Civic Reception – 17th June – 19:30

1930 – Those Falklands veterans who wish to can apply to the membership team for a place at the civic reception being held in their honour in the Portsmouth Guildhall. You must be a holder of the South Atlantic medal and you may also apply for your spouse/plus one. Tickets are strictly limited so if you wish to be on that list then please email the membership team at the following email address.  [email protected]  You can only apply for your own tickets (plus one/spouse etc) and not a group.

Curry Night RMA Club – Friday 17th June – 19:30

  • 1930 – Those who wish to are welcome to return to the RMA Club (behind the old RM museum) for a curry night (veggie option available). The food will be free so you just need your drinks money and your singing voices and dits ready.  You will need to register for a free ticket using this link.

HMS Warrior Reception – Friday 17th June – 19:30

  • 1930 – There is a reception to be held on HMS Warrior (near the historic dockyard) that is RNA led but they have offered the RMA up to 50 places. Tickets are available here.


Saturday 18th June

  • 10.00 –  Riders and cyclists branches depart from the Yomper statue on various rides.
  • 10.30 RMA FC football match at RMA Club Portsmouth.
  • 15.00 – Corps family parade in the memorial gardens and unveiling of Afghanistan stone
  • On completion – Hog roast and entertainment at RMA Club Portsmouth. Tickets for food are free but you must have a ticket so we can gauge numbers. Please click here to obtain your tickets. Tickets are available here. 

RNA led symposium

An RNA led symposium taking place behind the wardroom at HMS Nelson from 1130 to 1600 entry is free to this event and we have been allocated 50 places. If you wish a place at this event please email membership to be added to the list.  [email protected]

There is tea and coffee supplied and sandwiches. These will be free but there will be an opportunity for you to make a donation towards them.

Sunday 19th June 2022

  • 1000 –  Those wishing to march in the parade gather next to the Ben Ainsley building prior to marching to the service area where the RMA, RNA, WRENS and Falklands vets will receive their freedom scrolls.
  • OC –  March/move to Portsmouth Cathedral for a service followed by refreshments.
  • OC – Move to RMA Portsmouth club for refreshments and food. The food is free but you will need a ticket so we can judge numbers for catering purposes.
  • Register for tickets here.

Provisional itinerary for Sunday 19th June 2022:

  • 09.30am– VIPs arrival at Square Tower
  • 10.30am– Prior to the Service the RM Band, Association Standard Bearers and the Civic Procession including wreath layers will form up outside the Ben Ainslie building and called to attention.
  • 10.45am– Chris Purcell, Parade Commander to commence the march to the Square Tower. Royal Marines Band to lead march.
  • 10.55am– On arrival to the Square Tower, Standard Bearers will stand against the Square Tower wall ready to lower their standard for the silence. Chris Purcell to position parade.
    During this time, VIP’s will come outside and be ready in position at the Square Tower by the flag point.  The Field Gun located within the Sally Port entrance to the beach will signal the start of the 11am silence. This will be fired by the field gun crew.
  • 11am- 2 minute silence. Speeches to be held by flag point at the Square Tower following silence – Falklands flag will be flying. Approx timings 20 mins. To include; Unveiling of the new Falklands Memorial- led by the Senior VIP. Wreath Laying Ceremony – VIPs and representatives of local veterans organisations invited to lay a wreath.  Handing over of the Scrolls between the Lord Mayor and the Veterans, RNA and RMA to mark the Freedom of the City.  Announcement made by the Lord Mayor to confirm the twinning of the Falkland Islands with Plymouth. Prayers will be said by the Dean or Chaplain of the Fleet; following this we will commence the. Laying of Wreaths at the Falklands Memorial, during which the hymn “O God, our help in ages past” will be sung. Wreaths will be laid as per the briefing given by Chris Purcell.
  • 11.20am– Chris Purcell to stand march at ease. VIP’s to make way from the Square Tower to the Grand Parade via Battery Row. At Grand Parade, they will be positioned on a platform (TBC).
  • 11.25am– Once VIP’s are in place, the parade will be signalled to move from the Square Tower to the Grand Parade. On arrival to the Grand Parade, Veterans will salute VIPs before continuing their march toward the Royal Garrison Church.
  • 11.35am– Once march has reached the Church, Chris Purcell will signal the end of the march. Everyone involved in the march will then make their way back to the Anglican Cathedral via Broad Street. Once the end of the march is signalled, the VIP’s will also make their way toward the Cathedral, led by the events team.
    Cathedral Service 11.45am- Anglican Cathedral to hold a short service- Details TBC, to include the reading of the names 250 in total. Approx numbers in the Cathedral TBC.  Close of Service- Refreshments to be made available at the Cathedral