The following article is taken from the latest issue of the Globe & Laurel magazine.
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by Capy J Poole RM, Corps AdC

The Commandant General Royal Marines (CGRM) Gen Gwyn Jenkins CB OBE ADC and the Corps RSM (CRSM) WO1(RSM) Nick Ollive RM, recently joined 22 ranks from 337 Tp on Dartmoor for their final Commando test – the 30-miler. Stepping off from Okehampton at 0500, the recruits were also joined by the Commandant of CTCRM – Col Haw MC and CO CTW – Lt Col Johnston RM who bounced between the syndicates, ably led by their training team.

337 Tp were strong from the outset and made excellent time, allowing them to quickly stop at the memorial to Lt Gareth Jenkins RM who tragically died whilst attempting his own 30-miler in 2015. Lt Col Johnston led a moment of remembrance, and 337 Tp laid a plaque at the memorial before carrying on to CP3. Along the route CGRM and the CRSM moved around the recruits, encouraging them to dig deep and were particularly encouraged to find out that every rank had so far successfully completed the previous three Commando tests.

The recruits were blessed with ‘perfect’ weather throughout the day and everyone was well looked after, receiving a metal mug of ‘nod fuel’, a banana, and a Pusser’s pasty from the CTW TQ at the various checkpoints. As the two syndicates approached the finish line, CGRM and CRSM ran ahead to Bickleigh Barracks to receive the salute from all the successful ranks of 337 Tp as they completed their final test.

All 22 recruits received their Green Berets from CGRM in a small ceremony, before the General offered them some words of encouragement for their future endeavours around the Corps. Most crucially, with no reruns required, the Training Team had earned a full weekend off.

CRSM and CGRM follow Syndicate One
CGRM takes the salute as 337 Tp enters Bickleigh Barracks

Read more from the Journal of the Royal Marines

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