Paul Goodman took to living rough on the streets of Cumbria over the last Bank Holiday weekend to raise awareness of the number of ex-military veterans who are today, homeless – and fundraise for our Charity. Paul went through Commando basic training in 1993. and today, teaches cadets at The Royal Marines Keighley Detachment in Yorkshire.
“I took a Bergen with just a blanket, bottles of water and five, £1 coins so I wasn’t asking the public for handouts for food during the exercise,” he said. “I slept in sheltered areas such as doorways, bus stops and derelict rural buildings.”
I slept in sheltered areas such as doorways, bus stops and derelict rural buildings.”
The Royal British Legion estimated in 2020 that there were up to 4,000 homeless veterans in the UK, and our own Health & Wellbeing team reports an increase in referrals over the past few months where personal situations pose the threat of possible homelessness.
Huge thanks to Paul for highlighting this serious issue and for raising over £500 for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity while doing so.