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As a valued supporter, we are pleased to bring you up-to-speed with a weekly round-up of activities from RMA – The Royal Marines Charity and the wider Corps Family.

We hope you are as inspired as us by the news of some incredibly ambitious future fundraising that puts a real spotlight on the generosity, dedication and true grit of our many supporters and fundraisers. We love you all!

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Finlay’s Story

How did a small grant of £1,500 help ease the chronic pain of a 38-year-old former Royal Marine from Glasgow who had served ten years before being medically discharged with a spinal injury? Find out here.

On the watchlist 1

In April, Danny Ensor (pictured left) will be navigating some challenging mountainous terrain in Japan during a month-long, extreme 2,361-mile ‘Zulu Commandos’ cycle from the south to the north of the country, in memory of his uncle, former Royal Marine Chris ‘Brummie’ Dooley who, aged 58, suffered a cardiac arrest in April last year

Danny says: “He and I had been planning to travel across Japan together, often talking for hours about the adventures we would share. And so, to mark the first anniversary of his death, I’ve decided to go ahead and cycle from the very south of Japan to its northernmost reaches, rough camping along the way.

My uncle Chris served a total of 34 years in the Royal Marines. He had only been retired for about 10 months when he died.  

He was an incredibly important person in my life. I can only say that he was like a second father to me. Without Chris I wouldn’t be the individual I am now. Like him, I also joined the military and completed the Commando course, earning my Green Lid as he did. It made me feel like I’d won the lottery twice knowing that my uncle was proud of me.

My uncle embodied the core Commando qualities throughout both his military career and his brief life as a civvie, and he supported his favourite charity RMA – The Royal Marines Charity to the very end.”

Now, accompanied by his oppo, Emanuel Gramada, Danny is determined to make his uncle proud again, and hoping that the ambitious venture will help soften the additional sadness of having also lost his sister and a second uncle during 2023.

On the watchlist 2

A group of 12 retired Royal Marines, all over the age of 45, will be taking on a marathon distance speed march around the streets of London on 21st July 2024.

The event is the brainchild of former Royal Marine RSM (Rtr’d) Barry ‘Baz’ Gray. He explains:: “The aim is to raise awareness and increase the understanding of the mental health challenges facing many of our veteran community. It is also to raise much-needed funds for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity so that they can continue to push forward the powerful work that they do in this vitally important area.

Our secondary aim will be to raise awareness of the mental health of all of our service veterans, and indeed their families.”

But this event is not just for this indomitable dozen!

In looking for additional business and corporate support to make the event as big a success as possible – and with a series of other events throughout the year around the country – Baz adds: “Many veterans and sponsors will be joining us without weight and running behind our team in the same military fashion. So, if you are reading this and it sounds like something you would like to do, become involved with – or even sponsor – then please reach out via the details at the end.”

And for those that do get involved, there are lots of terrific and very privileged opportunities to join some very exclusive events, too, including a special evening at the Tower of London.

D-Day visit

In this, the 80th Anniversary year of D-Day, Phil Gilby, RMA Membership Operations Director (West) took time out to visit wonderful D-Day veteran, 99-year-old former Royal Marine. Norman ‘Grandad’ Ashford and some members of his family in Coventry – ‘Once a Royal Marine always a Royal Marine’.’

Life in the fast lane….

Royal Navy News reports the Royal Marines have a revamped Commando Raiding Craft (CRC) for use on coastal commando raids that is faster, with better range and with room to launch drones 

Plymouth-based 47 Commando – the amphibious warfare experts of the Commando Force – will be at the controls of the CRC wherever deployed on front-line operations around the globe.

Photos: Royal Navy

Challenges galore

RMA – The Royal Marines Charity has linked-in with some of the largest and most popular sporting events throughout the UK as well as the hugely popular marathon events in Amsterdam, Barcelona and Paris –  so do think about signing up while we still have places available. Swimming, cycling, running – or maybe all three? – there’s an event for everyone no matter what your age!

Please contact our Fundraising team if you are interested in taking part in any of the events listed on our website –  or check our events’ page via the link below for more details