We could not deliver the life-saving work we do without your donations. You enable us to give better care and support to Royal Marines and the families who are in need.

We appreciate that not everyone can take up a challenge, so why not take it easy and donate directly to us. You can make a regular donation by signing up to a Direct Debit. This ensures we can plan our future support to the Royal Marines Family.

Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving is a unique and easy way for you to give to charity. If you earn a salary and wish to donate on a regular basis, your agreed donation is deducted from your gross pay before tax.

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Regular Giving / Direct Debit

Your money could go further if you donate by Direct Debit; this supports our long-term planning and helps keep our administration costs down.

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Legacy Giving

Having a Will ensures your wishes are carried out after your death. After you have remembered friends and family, choosing to leave a gift to RMA – The Royal Marines Charity will ensure we, as a charity, have the funding to provide the care and resources for the Corps Family long into the future.

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See a list of our upcoming events

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If you would like to donate in the form of a cheque please send to our Lympstone office with a covering letter, alternatively, you may call 023 9298 1920 to donate by card.

RMA – The Royal Marines Charity
Commando Training Centre
Royal Marines, Lympstone
Exmouth Rd