Jonathan Ball OBE, Chief Executive:
I’d like to thank all who took the time to share their thoughts and views about the Charity by taking part in last year’s online Stakeholder Survey. We were delighted to receive 1,901 responses (1,557 RMA Members, 310 charity donors and 34 employment beneficiaries).
Your feedback is much valued. It has helped direct us towards ensuring we support and serve the Corps Family with what it wants and needs, and in a way it has the right to expect – whether individuals are serving, veteran or dependent. We must never lose sight of the imperative to support each and every beneficiary as best we can.
We heard:
- Our support and communications are effective
- There is high satisfaction with the welfare support given, and our staff are regarded as knowledgeable and friendly
- And that most would recommend and will continue to support us
However, we also learned that a number of areas were considered in need of improvement and so, throughout 2023, we will work to address these as follows:
Better communicating the Charity’s mission and impact
- Seek ways to widen the scope of our popular Weekly Round-up (sent to donors and supporters), and the weekly RepNet (sent to Members)
- Continue to improve our UK media presence so the Charity becomes better known outside of the Corps Family
- Engage with supporters and donors to find how we might better demonstrate the impact of what we do and how we use their donations
Earlier interaction with beneficiaries and follow-up further down the line
- Find ways to improve our interaction with those in acute need so it is made as early as possible
- Continue to ensure follow-up check-ins after providing initial assistance
Enabling Members to feel more valued
- Engage with Members to better understand what extra we could do to make them feel more valued
- Consult more with Members on the scope of and potential involvement with more local events
Achieving an enhanced national footprint
- Plan to ensure there is a wider spread of events across the country
- Involve Members in seeking local advice on ways to further improve and expand this geographic footprint
Securing funding from large organisations
- Explore ways to better communicate where and how the funding will be used and its significant impact on our lifelong work in support of the Corps Family
We will be working hard to implement these improvements. By way of follow-up, we will report back on progress later in the year and ask for some updated feedback.
With your support and participation, be assured we are committed to do whatever we can to effect the lifelong support we offer and which the Corps Family so richly deserves.
Be sure to sign-up to our newsletter for the next survey and other updates from across the Charity.
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