We’re very proud to announce that we’ve joined forces with imployable, offering Members of the Royal Marines Association access to their Career Management platform. 📱
imployable was created by two former Royal Marines, with the aim of getting veterans into meaningful employment. The imployable app allows their users to plan, track and manage their career journey, through a variety of tools.

Through this partnership, imployable will be offering RMA members access to their app. The app includes tools and resources to help find them worthwhile employment. In addition, build an imployable profile and see how you match compared to potential and live job opportunities as well as completely free access to online coaching, qualifications, jobs and local and national support
Due to their military background, they are committed to getting the Armed Forces Community into the places they need to be and have proven their dedication by winning gold in the Defence Employment Recognition Scheme.
The app is available to RMA Members. Not yet a member of RMA? Click here to sign-up.