Fearless Tim Crossin, the utterly amazing ‘Cold Dip Commando’ living with a fourth cancer diagnosis, has completed his final dip of his epic 31 day challenge of taking 31 cold water dips in 31 different locations around the UK during January.
He’s remained impressively undaunted by the freezing weather, snow and icy conditions he’s had to endure over the past couple of weeks. Despite the extreme cold, he’s remained true to his pledge that “there will be no wet-suits worn by the ‘Cold Dip Commando’ just Budgie Smugglers and a smile, footwear and gloves optional.” – and today a suit to celebrate the final dip.
Tim has raised an incredible £22,929 to date for his three charities, RMA – The Royal Marines Charity, Lymphoma Action and Rock 2 Recovery. Thank you, Tim, for your remarkable efforts for the Royal Marines Family.
To donate to Tim’s fundraising page, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/colddipcommando