To the Royal Marines,
Today, we reflect not only on our history, but also on our future. We are a warfighting organization, and our readiness for the fight remains core to our identity. We live by an unrivalled mindset – the first to understand, the first to adapt and the first to overcome, that has driven adaptation in the Royal Marines time and again. In a world marked by complexity and accelerating change, we continue this journey of adaptation.
On the modern battlefield, the UK Commando Force, with Royal Marines at its heart, will provide agile, sophisticated, highly talented Commandos able to operate forward of conventional forces. Critically, this provides UK Defence a unique capability in Warfighting Commandos able to mass and deliver decisive battle winning effects from the sea and on land.
Royal Marines will continue to push boundaries. It has never been enough for us to be merely good; every time we don our beret we strive for excellence; with integrity, self-discipline and humility underpinning our war fighting capability. These values are the bedrock upon which the Royal Marines have built their legacy over the past 359 years. To become a truly high performing organisation we must exercise robust judgement to maintain balance across our tempo and work practices, so that, when the call comes (as it will), we are ready and fresh to enter the fight. Balance and judgement are a critical leadership responsibility and a mindset which we must all embrace.
We won’t always get this balance right. We won’t always know when to slow down. But I am comforted in the knowledge that we are a Royal Marine family that knows its people and that we have an incredible Charity that has our backs covered.
And so we celebrate another year of notable achievements for the Royal Marines. From high-profile operations, such as our recent involvement in Sudan, discreet specialized missions, grand ceremonial events with the Royal Marines Band Service, or the Royal Marines Cadets who will carry on our legacy, the Royal Marines have once again been front and centre of our Navy’s activity, protecting our Nation and helping it prosper.
So, from the CRSM and I, to all Royal Marines, you are not just a fighting force, you are a family, courageous, determined, unselfish, cheerful and we could not be prouder than to serve in the same Corps as all of you. Thank you all, for all that you do.
Happy birthday Royal Marines.

Commandant General Royal Marines