Fully funded by British Gypsum
In conjunction with British Gypsum, Train4All offer a fantastic FREE part time skimming course over 15 weeks, attending for 2 days per week. British Gypsum wish to support diploma plastering students and contractors in upskilling their plastering labourers, general labourers, dry lining tapers or employees working in similar roles with the skills required to undertake the skimming of plasterboards on site.
Who is suitable for the course?
- College or Training Providers who are delivering Plastering Courses for their students. This course allows students who would like solid progression opportunities to prepare them for working on site.
- Construction Employers who may be struggling to employ people who are ready to skim on site. This course gives prospective employee’s real-life training and instruction which can be transferred from the training centre direct to site.
- Individuals or Sole Traders with good basic trowel skills who would like to progress in their careers and gain skills required to get more frequent and better site work.
Course Content
The 15-week part time course will cover the practical key skills required for skimming plasterboard and includes the following:
- learning how to finish internal angles
- working to wet angles
- the application and finishing of angle beads to external corners and around openings
- working on splayed angles
- working around services in both flat and window walls
- plastering large areas to represent commercial projects – to deadlines
- correct use of the latest plastering tools and methods
- identifying bad practice.
Next Course dates:
- Please enquire