The following article is taken from the latest issue of the Globe & Laurel magazine.
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Ex Dhekelia Dagger was a multi-week warfighting package run in Cyprus during February and March for A Cdo Coy Gp (A CC Gp), taking advantage of the Sovereign training areas existing in Cyprus. Critically, Cyprus was nice and warm, and offered a myriad of training opportunities we wouldn’t have been able to conduct in the UK. The OC and CSM were keen to balance Cyprus’ training potential with N1+ activity readily available; most ranks completed AT courses (parachuting, mountain biking, kayaking etc), and all had OSD time to explore the island.

Issuing QBOs during a live fire team attack serial

We disembarked RFA Lyme Bay in early February and headed to Dhekelia Garrison for a training package aimed at sharpening the CC Gp’s warfighting ability and upskill all ranks in specialist training. Being based in Dhekelia was a refreshing change from the confines of ship, and the ability to train in the sun was welcomed even more so! A hard ML-led Coy phys session down at the beach in the first week followed by a dip in the Mediterranean set the tone for the package; work hard, play hard! Indeed, the rugby pitch on camp was utilised almost daily with plenty of friendly competitions amongst the teams. The highlight and culmination of the first week was a March and Shoot competition between the Cdo Teams, commencing with a three-miler in full Ops kit and weapons down to the ranges at the foot of camp, leading straight into a series of shoots under pressure, chests leaping, from 400m down to 100m in different positions, and a ‘chaser’ of a loaded stretcher carry to finish. ASG’s Team 9 was the quickest overall team and received a crate for their hard efforts that weekend – BZ!

A Cdo Coy Gp following the completion of the March and Shoot competition

Ex Dhekelia Dagger proved an excellent opportunity for Alpha Coy ranks to consolidate their range skills in the Cypriot sun. Specialist courses were run for Sharpshooter, GPMG and other spec weapons needed in each Cdo Team. A Close Quarters Combat Marksmanship range with plenty of ammunition to go around was was a highly enjoyable and invaluable day. Utilising rifles and pistols, Cdos honed their walkdown skills, pistol marksmanship and weapon failure drills. The culminating hostage rescue shoot put added pressure on those taking part, with no one wanting to be the one to drop the ball! LFTT time was also abundant, progressing from paired lanes to fire teams and then section attacks, which doubled up as a good workout in the heat and gave ranks invaluable opportunities to experience command and lead sections in a Live Fire environment. Additionally, the Coy ran an eagerly competed IBSR competition shoot; ranks started with a 100m sprint, then transitioned between c.20 firing positions up and down the IBSR range furniture, with a time penalty for any missed targets. The accuracy of the L129 Sharpshooter rifle was counteracted by the lighter weight of the SA80, and as it turns out… the SA80 prevailed! Mne Jamieson posted the fastest time in the Coy, and for his efforts, was presented with a Fairbairn-Sykes Dagger by the CSM at the Coy barbecue.

The Sniper packages were held during the second week on ranges, at Pyla. This not only gave the Snipers…………….

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