Former Royal Marine Jonathan Rees has plenty to celebrate.
When we caught up with him in February 2024, he was 22 weeks into his 32-week fundraising ‘Commando Don’t Drink Challenge‘ when – having already made it through Christmas, New Year and a milestone family birthday – his 33 year-old wife was diagnosed with cancer.
Jon had pledged to go alcohol-free for 32 weeks – the equivalent length of time it takes to train to become a Royal Marine – in his determination to give back to RMA – The Royal Marines Charity, the beneficiary award that supported him financially towards the cost of his own urgent cancer treatment operation that saved his life.

Here, Jonathan reflects on his experience in his own words with raw, honest emotion.
“I’ve done it! It’s been a crazy 32-week journey of alcohol-free Christmas parties, my 40th birthday. AMAZING breaks away, spa breaks and more. It’s been a rollercoaster and a half and throughout it all I’m surprisingly so grateful to have experienced all of it. It’s forced me to face tough times head on.
I will most definitely not forget the raw, piercing emotions life delivered when my wife had her cancer diagnosis midway through. It was a very tough and surprisingly triggering moment. Without a drink to aid the sting, absolute sobriety most certainly lowered my armour and forced me to feel it all.
Resisting the temptation proved to be the greatest gift ever. It not only allowed me to be present and deliver the best version of myself when I was needed the most, it also allowed me to experience my truest, unfiltered, raw emotions. I now just can’t believe we use drinking to deny us these raw moments of pure feelings and emotion, when these are the exact moment I’ve realised aid our growth and realise what we value most in life.
I will forever be grateful for the feeling knowing I will never take my wife for granted and how much she means to me. I’ve coped with supporting her in a manner that I am so proud of. And it’s given me a whole new perspective and appreciation for what mothers and single parents go through bringing up a child.
Did I celebrate the end of the 32 weeks with the champagne I bought at the start in anticipation for this moment..? no. I gave it away and toasted it with some alcohol-free fizz to my new-found love for my alcohol-free life. I truly believe there isn’t a single aspect of my life that hasn’t improved.
I’ll be forever grateful for this experience. I’ll never forget it. Can’t believe it’s over.”
And Jonathan also reached his fundraising target – “I couldn’t be more pleased,” he added. “Any more donations will always be welcome.” You can support him here.