Edition 103
News Update

D-Day 80th Anniversary
Royal Marines of 47 Commando landed ashore in Normandy on Gold Beach to mark D-Day 80, forging the same path as Commandos did on that never forgotten fateful Tuesday.
Led ashore by Commanding Officer, Colonel Will Norcott and Regimental Sergeant Major Matt Hill, 50 Marines waded ashore through waist-deep waters onto Gold Beach, where their predecessors faced down German occupiers on D-Day, as part of the largest amphibious landings ever undertaken.
They laid wreaths on the beaches and held a brief ceremony, before yomping 15km to Port-en-Bessin.
Col Norcott said: “It’s really important to remember what those people did for us 80 years ago. We want to commemorate what they did and respect the sacrifices that were made for not only this part of France, but also Europe.”
D-Day Paddle Group

After setting off on Monday, 4th June, the team, consisting of nine serving and eight veteran Royal marines and our Charity Vice Patron Keith Breslauer departed from The Yomper at Eastney, Portsmouth, the Paddle Group safely crossed the English Channel and arrived at Port-en-Bessin. Before paddling along the allied opposed landing beach heads, beginning with the U.S. sectors (Utah and Omaha), culminating with the British and Canadian sectors (Gold, Juno, and Sword).
Congratulations to the team for completing this challenge and raising a whopping £22,000 (including gift aid) so far. Patron Capital have been incredibly generous by sponsoring the trip and have committed to match all money raised by the team for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity.
D-Day Cycle Group

The D-Day 80 cycle team consisted of 10 serving and ex serving Royal Marines who cycled from The Keep Military Museum in Dorchester, which was the location of 47 Commando Royal Marines formation, to Port-En-Bessin in Normandy, the location of 47 Commando’s objective during the D-Day landings, Operation Aubery. The team then cycled a total of 260 miles over 5 days visiting various memorial sights and taking part in D-Day commemorations
D-Day RM CDO Shuffle

As part of the Royal Marines 360 year celebrations, Al Blanchard and the Commando Shuffle have set themselves the challenge of raising funds for both RMA – The Royal Marines Charity and SBSA this year.
The other week, they embarked on one of their challenges, which they decided to do to commemorate 80th anniversary of D-Day, with 2 former bootnecks and 1 former matelot embarked on an overnight crossing to Caen.
They then set about negotiating the beaches. In traditional of the Royal Marines, they speed marched up the French coast starting in the quiet village of Ouistreham, this was the start of Sword Beach, one of the beaches invaded by the British forces on June 6th 1944.
The route took them 32km across Sword, Juno and ended up on the far end of Gold Beach next to Omaha, at a small village named Arromanches-Les Baines
The following day was spent visiting various historical sights of the D-Day landings, another reminder of the importance of that day in 1944.
Al Blanchard said “It was an amazing and humbling experience. Ultimately, we were there to pay homage to those before us, but also to raise the profile of our chosen charities, The Royal Marines Charity & Special Boat Service Association.”
The annual Royal Marines Commando Shuffle will take place in Barnstaple on October the 12th. If you are interested in taking part, please either email Al Blanchard.
Email: [email protected]
New Fundraising Challenges Available

We offer a variety of fundraising challenges throughout the year for you to get involved in. These challenges vary from 160ft bungee jumps to marathons and ultra-marathons.
Pat Townsend 300-mile Yomp

A huge congratulations to Royal Marines Veteran Pat Townsend, who was welcomed back to Stonehouse Barracks in Plymouth the other week by RMA Cornwall Branch and proud family members after completing an impressive 300-mile circular yomp encompassing the Two Moors Way and the Tamar Way.
Carrying all his kit, Pat walked a minimum of 9 hours each day and completed this amazing challenge within 3 weeks.
Stonehouse to Bickleigh Barracks awareness walk

Last week, over two days, Cathy Veale (Police Officer), Lisa (Senior Cardiology Nurse), and their team walked from the Royal Marines Stonehouse Barracks to the Royal Marines Bickleigh Barracks to raise money for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity, and Rock2Recovery (R2R). During the route, they yomped as a team, delivering information about the charities, raising awareness of the importance of talking and reaching out for support when needed, and providing talks, demos, or acts of kindness at each pit stop, emergency service station, centres, and hubs.
Cathy chose to raise funds for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity as, in 1999, Cathy was widowed when her serving Royal Marines husband took his own life. During this time, RMA stepped in and supported her and her young family with welfare support and financial assistance during an incredibly difficult time, and again, many years later, with mental health support. On the day, she said, “It was quite emotional to see such acts of kindness, from the team helping and encouraging each other along the walk, stopping to talk to everyone who wanted to engage and make donations to the charities.”