Editon 88
As a valued supporter, we are pleased to bring you up-to-speed with a weekly round-up of activities from RMA – The Royal Marines Charity and the wider Corps Family.
This week, alongside poignant examples of much-needed support provided, there is something of a travel theme running through the news – from an Albanian trek and a Maltese run, to another surprise from the world of music and how to bag the perfect travel companion!
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Steve Richards

Steve Richards was a Royal Marine for 36 years, going from being a Junior Marine to leaving as a Lieutenant Colonel with four operational commendations. He had a varied career that included serving in Northern Ireland, the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan.
His health collapsed in 2010 following cerebral malaria and swine flu contracted after a deployment to West Africa and he was eventually medically discharged four years’ later due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and associated auto-immune disorders.
He was sent to Headley Court for rehab where, with his health continuing to deteriorate and unable to walk, he was confined to a wheelchair.
“I was at such a low ebb physically and mentally, and going through marriage breakdown, that I was on suicide watch as I no longer wanted to live. I had lost my credibility as a father, husband, Royal Marine – and human being. Only my faith saved me.”
Then, at his lowest point, the help he had prayed for, arrived.
Follow the rest of Steve’s inspirational story via the button below.
Albania calling!

If you would like to join the magnificent West Country 100 summer trek to Albania, ex Bristol between 8th – 15th June, there are still a few places available.
A number of serving and former Royal Marines being supported by RMA – The Royal Marines Charity as part of their rehabilitation and recovery join these annual treks that, limited to 16 participants, have become hugely successful.
Paul Denning OBE, West Country 100 Director says: “These trips always prove hugely beneficial and are greatly enjoyed by all involved. They not only give those who are recovering from either physical or mental injuries the chance to decompress through the physical activity and the mental interaction with others, but also the opportunity to learn a bit more about the Charity and meet firsthand some of its dedicated supporters.
At the same time, it gives us the privileged experience to have more of a hands-on role and play a small part in their pathway to rehabilitation and recovery programme.”
Having flown into Albania’s capital, Tirana, the team will trek mountains in the region including Mt Korab, the country’s highest peak: also visit a variety of historic and cultural sites including the Commonwealth War Grave cemetery in Tirana where a number of Royal Marines are buried. This operation was a particularly demanding part of Royal Marines history during WW2.
The West Country 100 is a group of Southwest-based businessmen and individuals, committed to supporting wounded, injured and sick Royal Marines (and their families) in times of need, through the auspices of RMA -The Royal Marines Charity.
Health & Wellbeing

2024 has again seen our Health & Wellbeing team hitting the ground running. In January, they accepted 16 new AFCS/Pensions cases (nine serving/seven veteran); nine new cases under the Veterans Mental Health Referral Plan; and processed 65 welfare and benevolence grants totalling £89,000.
This included awards to 56 Royal Marines veterans and eight serving personnel, supporting a wide range of need including a grant towards settling a priority debt for a wife of a former Royal Marine who struggles with his mental health, has secretly racked up debt and is now suffering a mental breakdown leaving his wife struggling to support him and care for their two children: and travel and subsistence costs to a serving Royal Marine granted compassionate leave with his family following the sudden death of his father.
A run down ‘Memory Lane’

Our good wishes go to former Royal Marines Commando Richard Bright who will be pounding the pavements in Malta on Sunday (25th February), running his first ever marathon.
It has been an ambition several years in the planning, with ill-health having put a stop to an earlier trip. However, this will make it all the more special when, on arriving in Valletta to take part in the 2024 LifeStar Malta Marathon, the years will roll back to the time he spent on the island as a teenager 46 years’ ago as part of 41 Commando Royal Marines.
Since then, life has taken him all over the world but he has never forgotten the treasured experiences of his first posting as a newly trained RM Commando, so when it came to choosing a location of his first-ever marathon, Malta was a no-brainer.
“As a young Royal Marine straight out of training, I was privileged to have served on the Island for two years,” Richard explains. “The experience had a lasting effect on me, and many of the fellow ‘Bootnecks’ I know measured everything that happened to us after in our careers against the time we spent at St Andrews Barracks and latterly at RAF Luqa.
It’s really hard to put into words the impact that the experience had on me. I will be thrilled to be back running past so many memorable locations. This year is the Corps’ 360th anniversary and so my aim is not just to complete the marathon, but also to raise funds for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity.”
Here is Richard’s fundraising page if you would like to speed him towards his fundraising goal.
Shopping Corner

These spacious Corps-themed, leather-look and fully-lined washbags are the ideal place to keep all your essential toiletry items together when travelling! They are available in stylish Dagger & Flash or Globe & Laurel designs in either black or brown, all sporting vintage-style metal fittings.
A great selection of other quality products is available exclusively from the Royal Marines Shop that is wholly owned by RMA – The Royal Marines Charity. All profits come back to the Charity to help support the Corps Family.