Two former Royal Marines, Alan Chambers MBE and Dave Thomas have set off to ski unassisted to the South Pole. This project (Mission Spiritus Antarctica) will raise much needed funds for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity campaign ‘Mission Critical’ with the aim of flying their flag at the bottom of the world no later than 14th January 2024, a fitting start to the RM360 year of fundraising.

Listen to an exclusive interview with Alan and Dave on BFBS radio recorded on 18th December 2023:
The guys will also be speaking to BFBS radio’s Amy Casey during her morning show, live on Christmas Day!
In addition to fundraising, the pair are conducting research into the global impact of nano plastics on behalf of Columbia University Lamont, and the effects sensory deprivation has on the body in prolonged remote climates in conjunction with Manchester Met University.
After a weather delay getting onto the ice, they set off skiing on 21st November with heavily laden 250lbs pulks that has been a bit of a baptism of fire. These steep initial inclines have been brutal slowing travel to 12 km/day on quite a few days into stiff headwinds, not so easy snow conditions underfoot and escaping into tents to sit out the worst of the weather.

By 5th December, 178 km of travel has been completed of the 1,150 km to the Pole over 10 days. It has been a gruelling start.
Alan says: “Morale is high, we’re not trying to thrash this, slow and steady wins the race.
Ahead the slope eases, that should allow 1/2 skins to be used and increase travel speed onto the 22km per day we wish to achieve. Aim is to cross the 82 degree point around 8th December which is well on track to achieve the final objective.”
Dave adds: “We finish hauling at 1730 – once tent is up, change, sort feet, face (Al needs twice as much moisturiser as me!) food, Bovril drinks, melt snow to top up flasks for breakfast. In bed by 2030, up and off by 0500. Our endurance and strength is good, unlike Al’s jokes!”

This is a really good start for these two veteran adventurers – morale and determination is in good order with the number of social media followers increasing daily.
Al and Dave are indebted to their very generous sponsors which will allow all donations received to go directly to RMA – The Royal Marines Charity.