Last week at RMA – The Royal Marines Charity

As a valued supporter, we are pleased to bring you up-to-speed with a weekly round-up of activities from RMA – The Royal Marines Charity and the wider Corps Family.

Firstly, an important DIARY NOTE:  as from next week, this newsletter will instead be with you on THURSDAY AFTERNOONS (no longer on a Wednesday) – we trust you won’t mind the extra day’s wait!

Globe & Laurel: Commando Operations in the Mountains

For those who seek challenge and adventure, there can be little that sparks more excitement than the almost irresistible allure of the mountains. There is arguably no environment that better develops, nor reveals physical fitness, mental toughness and the Commando values.

Globe & Laurel: Ex Urban Storm

Over 40 ranks from RMR Merseyside deployed on Ex Urban Storm on 24-26 November 2023, to the West Yorkshire Police Training and Development Centre. This excellent location offers a complex urban environment, set within a realistic street complex to facilitate Close Quarter Battle (CQB) training.

Last week at RMA – The Royal Marines Charity

In bringing you this week’s news, we also look forward to supporting the 52nd Mountbatten Festival of Music this weekend at the Royal Albert Hall in London. It not only promises to be a truly unique experience for the audiences attending the three sell-out concerts, but will guarantee a ‘watch this space’ moment in next week’s Update when we will have a lot of extra excitement to share!

Globe & Laurel: Communications Sqn in Gibraltar

Comms Sqn recently embarked on an exercise to Gibraltar, a vital outpost in the Mediterranean. This rigorously tested and evaluated their ability to deploy the strategic communications equipment for the 1 Star Tactical Headquarters.

Shock news fails to deter inspiring fundraiser

When we caught up with inspirational former Royal Marine, Jonathan Rees, just before Christmas, he was over a third of the way into his 32-week ‘Commando Don’t Drink Challenge’.

Now. still dry and on week 22, he could not have imagined how quickly all the positive things that had begun to turn his life around just a few weeks’ ago would be put to the ultimate test.