Paul Denning is co-founder and Director of Edson Tiger Ltd, a risk management, training and capacity building company. The organisation operates in both the commercial and public sectors, specialising in services to clients operating in complex and high threat environments.
Paul is a former Royal Marines Brigadier, completing his 32 years’ service as the Deputy Commandant General Royal Marines. He is a trainer, a planner, and an operator, working at Board level in the commercial environment and at Department of State/senior multi-national headquarters level while in the military. He is a specialist in the design of risk mitigation systems for overseas travel and operations.
In his professional life he has been a commando, an attack helicopter pilot, an Equerry to HRH and The Duke of Edinburgh, a Great Britain rifle and pistol shot and a military ski instructor. Outside of work his passions is for really fast motorbikes … and of course his family!