We are grateful to Palpa Films for capturing this inspiring film of our beneficiaries taking to the slopes during their recent ski trip, funded by RMA – The Royal Marines Charity.
Thirty-two former RM’s joined the trip, including instructors and support team members, some of whom now live in the French Alps and who gave up their time for free to ensure everyone got the most out of their time on the slopes. The group was split into two so each could enjoy a week-long session over the last fortnight of January.
As on previous visits, former RM Ian Bishop surpassed all expectations in organising everything down to the last possible detail as well as being chief kit man, driver, cook and base CSM, ninja skier and, all in all, the person who makes these trips work so well for everyone.
The group again stayed in a beautiful barn conversion which dates back to Napoleonic times and still has artefacts from the time when Napoleon’s army marched past! It’s owned by former paratrooper Dan White who very generously makes it available for free to accommodate the groups.
Thank you again to James Malone at Palpa Films for supporting us with this hoofing film.