Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Falkland Islands.

Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Falkland Islands.


In April 1982, over 3,500 members of 3 Cdo Bde RM deployed to the South Atlantic and fought to recover the Falkland Islands, liberating British citizens from Argentinian invasion and rule. This was a momentous period in Royal Marines history, recognized as one of the major Corps battle honours. 

A symbolic event during the conflict was the 45 Commando yomp (march) across East Falkland, with “the Yomper” becoming a highly publicized and iconic image of the war.  At the time, the Commando Unit covered 56 miles in just 3 days with full kit and equipment, traversing boggy, rough terrain in harsh weather conditions. One week later, on 11 – 12 June, the unit regrouped, attacked and defeated the Argentine forces in the Battle of Two Sisters. 

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of this iconic event, teams of Royal Marines stationed in Commando Units across the country will recreate the 56-mile yomp finishing on Friday 10th June, just prior to the start of the commemorative weekend of celebrations. They will be joined on the final day by much larger contingents of Royal Marines to yomp the final 5.6 miles – this will include Royal Marines Commandos deployed across the globe.

Be a part of this iconic event

If you would like to get involved and be a part of this iconic event, all you need to do is run, walk or cycle 5.6 miles or kilometres over the commemorative weekend of 10th – 14th June. If you are able to raise £25 as a minimum, we will send you a unique coin that celebrates Falklands 40 and Commando 80; a one of a kind memento for you to keep, recognising your help and support to the Royal Marines.

Thanks to our sponsor Patron Capital Partners LLP.