Family links inspire legacy gift to help support the Royal Marines family in the future.
RMA – The Royal Marines Charity received notification that they had been a recipient of a gift in the Last Will and Testament of Gladys Hoare MBE from her executors, a sizable donation followed but was accompanied by the explanation as to why Gladys had decided to leave a gift to RMA – The Royal Marines Charity.
Gladys’ father, Charles, had served in the Royal Marines Light Infantry and additionally served aboard HMS Lion in the Battle of Jutland. After being enlisted at Deal in January 1902 at the age of 17, Charles served for 19 years, before being medically discharged, a challenge that faces many modern-day Royal Marines.
Below are some images of the fascinating postcards & documents from the era.

Gladys’ father Charles Hoare also served with the RMLI in WW1 and was personal attendance for five years to Captain A. G. W. Grierson RMLI of HMS Lion who recorded in April 1917 that ‘He was great use to me during the Battle of Jutland, is a good amateur carpenter and has the useful quality of making himself handy at any job of work.’
After the war he found it very difficult to find work and Gladys remembered hiding from the rent man and ‘moonlight flits’. Finally, he found both work and accommodation in 1932 as a live-in caretaker for officers at 30 Lime St. EC3, close to Leadenhall Market. Unfortunately, no children were permitted and Gladys was sent away to live with her Aunt until she was old enough to attend Secondary School.
RMA – The Royal Marines Charity wasn’t around to offer the support that Gladys and her family clearly needed in the late 1920’s, however, the gift she chose to make to the charity in her Last Will and Testament means that RMA – The Royal Marines Charity will have additional funds to continue to support Royal Marines and their families going forward.
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