Sunday, 14 May 2023, 09:00 
Horse Guards Parade, London, SW1A 2AX 

This year we look forward to welcoming as many Royal Marines as we can to take part in the Graspan Parade.   We would also like to invite you to attend the reception that we will be hosting at The Union Jack Club, you can purchase tickets below.  

Graspan 2023 

14th May  

Please register to attend the parade and service, this option is free, but we will need to gauge numbers.  

1030 – Parade and service at Horse Guards Parade 

Please bring your email ticket with you to Horse Guards Parade as extra ID should the police or RMA staff member ask for it. 

You will also be required to have your RMA membership card or photo ID with you.  

1330 – Join us at the Union Jack Club for food and refreshments in the afternoon. You can purchase a subsidised Member ticket, or a guest ticket. It is free to join the Association, so please encourage guests to sign up as supporting members.  

Please present your email ticket either on your phone or as a physical print out.  

More detailed timings of the day will be released in due course. 

If you require a car/coach/ or minibus pass or are a blue badge holder, please contact [email protected]  

The ticket prices are as follows: 

  • Parade Entry – please register your intent to take part in the parade.  
  • RMA Member price: £30.00 
    (you must be a full, associate or supporting member to buy tickets at this price) 
  • Guest of RMA member: £45.00 
    (We cannot apply our subsidy to non-members)