Sunday, 12 May 2024, 09:00
Horse Guards Parade, London, SW1A 2AX
This year we will be back at the Graspan Memorial in central London to celebrate the Corps 360th anniversary year and remember those who have gone before us.
We are once again pulling on the good will and our excellent relations with the Royal Parks and the events team from the Metropolitan Police so please let’s make all of the collective effort worthwhile with a great turnout from you all.

The parade and service will form one of the major events in this years’ calendar of celebration and commemoration of 360 years of service to the nation.
We will be returning to the Union Jack Club this year and spaces are strictly limited to 275 so please do not delay in getting your reception tickets for this event.
The ticket prices are as follows and includes your buffet meal and a drinks voucher that can be exchanged for any beer, or standard measure of red, white or rose wine, and a single measure of spirits (not including premium single malts etc)
- RMA Member price: £30.00
(you must be a full, associate or supporting member to buy tickets at this price) - Guest of RMA member: £45.00
(We cannot apply our subsidy to non-members)
Timings for the day
09:20 – 10:/15 - Coaches, minibuses and blue badge holders only may park in North Ride adjacent to the Mall. If you arrive after 10.15 in a coach, minibus or car with a blue badge you will not gain entry. Instructions on how to enter North ride will be sent with your vehicle passes. We will require vehicle make, colour and registration. We will also need the name and best contact number (mobile of the driver/s)
Please apply for your vehicle pass by emailing the membership team on the following email address:
10:30 – Guests arriving on foot may start to gather in and around the Guards memorial opposite Horse Guards parade.
11:45 – Parade steps off from Horse guards parade to the Graspan Memorial area. The seating in and around the memorial is for VIP and also those who are unable to stand for the duration of the parade and service. Please bear this in mind when deciding to take a seat in this area.
12:00 – Parade and service at the Graspan Memorial
12:30 – Parade steps off from Graspan memorial (route tbc)
13:00 – Parade returns to Horse Guards parade and is dismissed
13:30 – Reception starts at the Union Jack Club (please note we cannot arrange parking for coaches/minibuses at or near the UJC and any such parking is at your own risk)
17:30 – Reception at the UJC officially ends but guests are welcome to remain for as long as they wish in the upstairs (main) bar
All timings are subject to change due to the ongoing security situation and any advice instructions given by the Royal Parks and Met police.