Edition 41
This week, there’s a special salute; our teams have been out and around all over the UK; there’s news that will take you all around the world from north to south and from sea to sky, including updates on two awesome challenges taking on Mount Everest and the River Amazon: and closer to home there are some more highly successful and hugely inspirational fundraising successes, many of which carry their own emotional ‘back’ stories.
Thank you for your continued support.
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75th Anniversary salute

We firstly pay tribute to and salute all Royal Marines Reservists who have served with distinction around the globe since The Royal Marines Act established the Royal Marines Forces Volunteer Reserve, 75 years’ ago on 24th March.
Cabinet visit

In commemorating the 20th Anniversary since Op TELIC began in Iraq, Jonathan Ball OBE, RMA – The Royal Marines Charity Chief Executive (pictured front third from left), was privileged to be welcomed to the Cabinet Office by the Minister for Veterans Affairs, the Rt Hon Johnny Mercer MP (front centre) last Wednesday (22nd March 2023).
Jonathan is a TELIC 1 veteran having served with the Queen’s Dragoon Guards as part of 3 Commando Brigade and was one of the 20 veterans invited from a wide range of Armed Service Units to share experiences and discuss the legacy of the Iraq campaign.
Riding high

Our Director of Health & Wellbeing, Danny Egan and Zoe Darnbrough, Employment & Education Manager have returned from a busy week out and around in Scotland, during which they received the very generous cheque from IED Training Solutions as reported here last week.
They also used the time to explore some exciting opportunities for further training and joint mental health initiatives and opportunities for collaboration with the rural sector in Scotland.
There was the opportunity, too, to brief the Commanding Officer, the RSM and some of 45 Commando’s Executive team about the varied support the Charity can offer to the Corps family during a meeting arranged by Paul ‘Baz’ Barrett, Transition Support Officer North (and Scotland, Northern Ireland).
They then went on to HorseBack UK (HBUK) to visit four Royal Marine beneficiaries attending the second week of a three-week residential personal development course. This course culminates in a Scottish Qualifications Authority SQA, Level 4 Certificate in Personal Development through Horsemanship and is delivered alongside the prestigious John Muir Award.
Using horsemanship and outdoor activities, HBUK delivers personal development programmes that encourage attendees to acquire new coping strategies, life skills and build lasting resilience. The course has demonstrated that it helps increase confidence and self-esteem, promote a continued sense of belonging and aids veterans in taking positives steps towards continuing physical and/or psychological recovery.
This is the same HorseBack UK course taken by veteran RM, Jay Hare, after life-changing injuries sustained in Afghanistan – and he now works with them in Dinnet as Course Director. You can follow his amazing story in the video accessed via the button below.
Danny commented: “HorseBack UK is a fantastic charity that we have seen many Royal Marines, like Jay, gain from and we remain committed to funding individuals who would benefit from attending.”
Diary date for all supporters in Glasgow

If you’re local to Glasgow, why not go along to the Departures area at Glasgow International Airport this Sunday (2nd April) at 1100 to wave off intrepid explorer and veteran RM Craig Hunter,who will be flying to Nepal to climb the highest mountain on earth, Mount Everest!
He’s undertaking this epic challenge to mark the 70th anniversary of the first ascent in 1953 and will be fundraising for RMA -The Royal Marines Charity.
Please email [email protected]g if you think you might be able to join Craig and the many others who plan to be at the airport to send him on his way in true Bootneck fashion – or simply turn up!
Mighty Amazon deal

From the earth’s highest mountain, to the world’s mightiest river – in preparation for yet another amazing challenge, our Fundraising team recently went along to support the ‘Summit to Sea’ Challenge charity auction.
At the end of this month, former Royal Marines and adventure-junkies, John Bathgate and Ian Roberts will be heading off to undertake the first-ever world attempt to travel down the Amazon River from its highest source.
These former RM Commandos ‘with green lids and green minds’, together with an eight-strong team, will be tracking the Amazon River from glacier to sea – that is from its highest point at the Volcán Chimborazo (20,548ft) along its 5,128km to the Atlantic Ocean through diverse and challenging wilderness.
The team is fundraising for three charities including RMA – The Royal Marines Charity and will be raising awareness of environmental issues and emphasising the connection between mental health and spending time outdoors through social/environmental projects in South America and the UK.
Walk and Talk lifts the lid

In what was a truly emotional time for family, friends and the wider Corps Family, a very poignant challenge took place in Dorset at the weekend – a ‘Walk and Talk’ in memory of former Royal Marine Lee ‘Revs’ Revell, who tragically passed away in March 2022.
Organiser and veteran Royal Marine, Paul Lawton, explains: “We decided to come together and do something positive to remember Lee – a six-mile ‘Walk and Talk’ from Lulworth, with a small service from the padre at the half-way point. There was no other agenda than to be with like-minded people, knowing that many of those around us are also struggling in one way or another.
I talked about my own mental health issues and how I survived attempted suicide. The stigma surrounding mental health still exists and many people are embarrassed and struggle to open up to others.” Paul is pictured above with his daughter Ocean Grace (aged 7), that shows her in “one of the proudest moments in my life supporting me during the walk”.
There was a £5 fee to join the walk, and Paul said; ”All funds raised are going directly to the Royal Marines Charity. This is a charity that has helped me and many other friends in the past in one way or another. A massive thank you to all that came. A cracking day was had by all. We had a few of the kids come as well. A special Chuck up to them for completing the distance. See you next year.”
Paul raised a fantastic £695 from this challenge for RMA – The Royal Marines Charity. Heartfelt thanks to him and to everyone who took part and who are pushing the message that it is so important to reach out and talk.
This reflects the spirit behind RMA – The Royal Marines Charity’s ‘Lifting the Lid’ mental health awareness programme – ‘Don’t let ‘Pride’ prevent asking for help. Remember, it takes a stronger person to know when they require support and to ask for it when needed. Do not suffer in silence, ‘lift the lid’… speak to someone and utilise the support available’.
Cool running

A huge thank you, too, to the team from HMS Collingwood (pictured above) who ran further than they’d ever done before by taking part in last weekend’s Collingwood Half Marathon in Portsmouth in aid of RMA – The Royal Marines Charity. They smashed their original target and raised a magnificent £956.88 (inc Gift Aid).
And their feedback? “Everyone did really well – although still a bit achey! We were very happy with the times we ran, and delighted with the amount we have managed to raise along the way. The rain held off for us – the wind was interesting to contend with, but kept us cool.”
Centenary celebration

The Royal Marines Association has had the very real pleasure of helping former Royal Marine WO2 Harold ‘Dizzy’ Dunsmore celebrate his 100th birthday.
Members of both the Exeter and Exmouth RMA provided a green beret presence who all turned out to sing him happy birthday. He was presented with an RM cap badge with the King’s crown (something he would have worn when first joining up), along with an RM teddy bear in Mess dress. ⠀
Many thanks to Dizzy’s family and the Silverleigh nursing home for making everyone feel so welcome on this very special occasion.
Fashion statements

RMA -The Royal Marines Shop is selling a fantastic selection of individual Unit-branded hoodies and t-shirts, including embroidered bottle green sweatshirts like the one pictured above.
The shop – located in Plymouth – is wholly owned by RMA – The Royal Marines Charity and all profits come back to the Charity to help support the Corps Family.
The small team sources, designs, develops and fulfils a fantastically wide range of Corps branded products that are all available for sale online.