Director of Health & Wellbeing, Danny Egan and Zoe Darnbrough, Employment & Education Manager have returned from a busy week out and around in Scotland, during which they received the very generous cheque from IED Training Solutions as reported here last week.
They also used the time to explore some exciting opportunities for further training and joint mental health initiatives and opportunities for collaboration with the rural sector in Scotland.

There was the opportunity, too, to brief the Commanding Officer, the RSM and some of 45 Commando’s Executive team about the varied support the Charity can offer to the Corps family during a meeting arranged by Paul ‘Baz’ Barrett, Transition Support Officer North (and Scotland, Northern Ireland).
They then went on to HorseBack UK (HBUK) to visit four Royal Marine beneficiaries attending the second week of a three-week residential personal development course. This course culminates in a Scottish Qualifications Authority SQA, Level 4 Certificate in Personal Development through Horsemanship and is delivered alongside the prestigious John Muir Award.
Using horsemanship and outdoor activities, HBUK delivers personal development programmes that encourage attendees to acquire new coping strategies, life skills and build lasting resilience. The course has demonstrated that it helps increase confidence and self-esteem, promote a continued sense of belonging and aids veterans in taking positives steps towards continuing physical and/or psychological recovery.
This is the same HorseBack UK course taken by veteran RM, Jay Hare, after life-changing injuries sustained in Afghanistan – and he now works with them in Dinnet as Course Director. You can follow his amazing story in the video accessed via the button below.
“HorseBack UK is a fantastic charity that we have seen many Royal Marines, like Jay, gain from and we remain committed to funding individuals who would benefit from attending.”
Danny Egan, Director Health & Wellbeing, RMA – The Royal Marines Charity